Las Vegas podcast #758 includes:
- Shark Tank opener
- Become a Five Hundy Patron, get bonus stuff
- Paid parking returns
- Encore shuts down during the week
- Cosmo brings back skating
- Star Trek Convention cancellation
- Eiffel Tower brunch inspires an idea
- Delilah opening plans
- Vegas scores two big events, also the Pro Bowl
- Unproven transportation system extension planned (TechCrunch suggests it won’t live up to its promise)
- Bally’s name sale
- Atari hotel is still supposedly a thing
- Listener calls about the state of travel and Vegas, Frankie’s and a bunch of other Vegas stuff
- Hey, Remember This: Pedomagic at Trop
- Call us at (702) 866-9494

Direct download of the podcast: Five Hundy By Midnight 10/17/20 (61:24 min, 76.5 MB) or subscribe.