Las Vegas podcast #899 includes:
- Obliterated opener
- Become a Five Hundy Patron, get bonus stuff
- Phish is next up at Sphere
- Scorps add opener
- Ringo returns
- Carrot Top extends
- Heart Bar rebrand: Glass Bar?
- Bellagio finally announced The Pinky Ring
- Bourbon Parade closes
- Yama Sushi is still a thing
- A’s announce, delay new renderings
- Horseshoe shop goes self-serve
- Fontainebleau opening reminder
- Listener calls about all sorts of Vegasy stuff, including F1, Top of Binions, Plaza bingo, Fremont renovations, Harrah’s, Ellis Island, Aria Food Hall, Ramsay Burger, Downtown Grand, Pizza Rock, All-Net Arena and more
- Bellagio finally announced The Pinky Ring
- Call us at (702) 866-9494

Direct download of the podcast: Five Hundy By Midnight 12/3/23 (50:09 min, 63.5 MB) or subscribe.