Goodbye O’Shea’s?

Norm Clarke reports that Vince Neil from Motley Crue is opening a tattoo shop as part of a “rock and roll vibe” in the building currently occupied by O’Shea’s (between Flamingo and Imperial Palace). Construction is set to begin in 10 days. I’m going to miss that place.

11 thoughts on “Goodbye O’Shea’s?

  1. that really incredibly sucks — we didn’t go to o’shea’s when we were in vegas (didn’t know about it) — but after listening to you guys for so long now, i almost feel like it’s “5 hundy hq” (along with the barbary coast hotel)

  2. That is an expensive building/location for a tattoo shop. They honestly think a tattoo shop can generate more revenue than a casino?

    Considering it says the tattoo shop with occupy a space that will front the strip…maybe it is just a small space in a newly renovated O’Sheas.

    Let’s hope so!

  3. Ahhh never mind… I guess I didn’t read it correctly.. they are talking about O’Sheas an Irish Pub… I thought it was talking about the casino!! haha

  4. Wow… here I go again… I am confused.

    It says in the article O’Sheas an Irish pub at the Flamingo… are they actually referring to the entire O’Sheas Casino? If so, then yeah…what a waste!

  5. As a fellow rum and coke drinker I was looking forward to venturing into the world of cocktails at O’Sheas after hearing so much about their bar

    As we won’t be out there until December it’ll be too late, you’ve got a few months to recommend a new five hundy hq bar

  6. Count me in among those who are a little confused…I can’t figure out if the article is talking about the O’Sheas casino, or a nearby pub bearing the same name (although I don’t recall any restaurants or pubs with the same name).

    If the former is the case, I can just see the new marquee…

    FUN! FUN! FUN!

  7. Please tell me this is some sort of terrible mistake!! Where will our favorite bartender, Mario, go? Maybe they’ll put the tattoo parlor next to the Burger King in the back of O’Shea’s. That sounds like a healthy combination!

  8. Also, O’Shea’s is the only place mid-strip where we really get a chance to rip off our clothes and dance on the bar after 5 or 6 martinis. Where will we be able to do that in the future?

  9. I walked by O’Sheas this last Saturday, just hours before the news broke. I had no idea what was about to happen. I asked my wife to go in for a drink and she said no. I even tried to lure her in with the new Dublin Up bar and how I learned about it from 5hundy. But it had no impact. If that place closes before I have one last visit I will curse that woman till the day we both die. Long live O’Sheas

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