Las Vegas podcast #957 includes:
- Yours Last Week Tonight opener
- Become a Five Hundy Patron, get bonus stuff
- Farewell, Norm Clarke
- More Naughty Patty’s details
- Cosmo is getting an Illy Caffe
- Hard Shake and Peacock Alley now open
- More Eagles, Rod Stewart and Earth Wind and Fire shows
- Introducing a new podcast segment
- Dear Tim and Michele
- Listener calls about a bunch of Vegasy stuff, including transportation options, Bellagio, Yellowtail, Noodles, Canyon Ranch Cafe, Harrah’s, South Point, Joe’s Stone Crab, Vanderpump, Garth and more
- Call us at (702) 866-9494

Direct download of the podcast: Five Hundy By Midnight 3/23/25 (39:13 min, 50.4 MB) or subscribe.